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Happy to contribute to your success!


J&C philosophy is ensuring the incoming expatriates find the best home and environment in which they can live and enjoy their stay.


We proactively look after you upon arrival, planning your meeting agenda,  putting together tailor-made information for each family member in addition to comprehensive information regarding life in Switzerland.

Your settling-in will be worry-free and smooth, according to your personal needs. Our goal is to help you to feel at home since your first day; we can accompany you on shopping or sightseeing tours, organize social events and create a business network.


About us

The idea of J&C is born after an expat meeting in Lugano,  we discovered that newcomers are facing the same difficulties and we decided to share our personal experiences creating a consulting and public relations business network.

Constantly informed on the international stage, new technologies, and start-up universe, we support any project with passion and personal interest.


I grew up in Milan, in a cosmopolitan setting, and throughout my career, I had the chance to experience varied and very interesting working environments, including McKinsey, Olivetti International, Lemanik SA, and to gain from each experience knowledge and skills that encompass the legal, insurance and reinsurance, multinational and financial sectors. Determined, enthusiastic, flexible, reliable, and trustworthy. Thanks to my dual Swiss and Italian nationality and my long experience of living in both countries, and in Lugano in particular, I can offer both practical and administrative assistance to those wishing to relocate to Switzerland, or seeking to launch a new activity in Lugano, easing their path and helping them to make a good start.

Clara Ambord


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A Master in Tourism Management and long and personal "expat-experience" together with a consolidated background in tours, congresses, and event organization with international PCO DMC incentive houses and TO are the base of my career and my way of life.

Italian, French, English, and Spanish speaking; active in back-office support including PR activities, marketing, and Lifestyle management

Silvia Vecchia


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